Cottage Industrial Revolution is a U.S. based company, offering Consulting Services to the United States and Canada.
Cottage Industry Startup Consulting
Starting a smaller business, possibly on a limited budget, is NOT the same as starting a well-funded larger business. It is NOT like the SBA tells you to do it either (this will guarantee failure).
A series of strategies can turn what seems like a set of unmanageable liabilities into a set of workable assets and limitations.
You need to know how to:
Get rid of corporate expectations to open the truly amazing potentials of small business.
Find workarounds when you run into limitations.
Turn disadvantage to advantage, so you can compete with larger competitors.
The concepts are fairly simple, in theory, but they do require adaptation to each individual business. Small businesses are like people, there are no two alike, and the most important aspect of all of this is making sure the plans actually fit the business!
If you are ready to run a business, whether you know what you want to do or not, but aren't sure quite where to get started (or how to simplify the long list of things you've already been given by someone else), then please contact us and schedule a consultation. It will be the best $200 you ever spend on your business - a way to get off on the right foot, gain some important knowledge, and get some insight into how to make it all work for YOUR business. The initial consultation may be all you need, but if you do need more, be assured that we'll tell you up front what it will cost, and what you'll get, so you can make the best choices for your business.